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Friday, April 30, 2021

Home Automation Using Accelecrometer

Home Automation Using Accelerometer | Accelerometer Based Home Automation System Using IoT | Accelerometer and Relay based Hand Gesture Controlled Wireless | accelrometer based gesture controlled home automation | Automatic Hand Gesture Based Remote Control for Home ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 5. Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino, 6. Gesture Based Home Automation Using Intel Edison(Intel IoT)): 10 Steps, 7. Video DIY Tutorial: Home Automation, control using Hand Gesture, 8. Hand Gesture Controlled home automation, 9. Control home appliances using MEMS Accelerometer, 10. hand gesture based home automation for visually challenged, 11. Gesture Based Home Automation - The IEEE Maker Project, 12. home automation using hand gestures, 13. hand gesture controlled home appliances, 14. gesture based home automation project, 15. hand gesture based home automation for visually challenged, 16. hand gesture based remote control for home appliances ppt, 17. automatic hand gesture based remote control for home appliances, 18. gesture based remote control technology, 19. gesture based remote control ppt, 20. Accelerometer Based Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino, 21. Gesture controlled home automation, 22. Gesture controlled robot using Accelerometer, 23. mems based home appliance control, 24. gesture control home appliances, 25. Accelerometer Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Aurdino uno, 26. 3 AXIS ACCELEROMETER BASED FALL MONITORING SYSTEM, 27. Voice & Gesture Controlled Home Automation, 28. Home Automation using [Android+Arduino UNO], 29. Electronic project - Hand Gesture robotic car using Accelerometer, 30. hand gesture recognition and controlled robot using accelerometer, 31. Gestures controlled device switching using wireless RF, 32. How to control Home appliances | DIY Arduino and Andriod Project, 33. gesture controlled home automation for differently challenged people, 34. Gesture Controlled Home Automation – IJEERT, 35. Hand Gestures Based Home Automation | Analog To Digital Converter, 36. automatic hand gesture based remote control for home, 37. Hand Gesture Based Home Automation, 38. Designing of Home Automation based Switching, 39. ARDUINO AND BLUETOOTH BASED HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM, 40. glove based and accelerometer based gesture control, 41. Implementation of Gesture Recognition System for Home Automation, 42. Home Automation System Based on Gesture Recognition System, 43. Awareness Home Automation System Based on User Behavior, 44. Gesture Based Home Automation for the Physically Disabled, 45. Flex Sensors Controlling PC and Providing Security Alerts and Home, 46. Automation of Wheel Chair Using Mems Accelerometer (Adxl330), 47. Home Automation and Laptop Control for Quadriplegics – IJARCCE, 48. Development of gesture controlled Robot using flex sensor and Automation, 49. 40+ Sensor Based Projects for Engineering Students - Electronics Hub, 50. Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot | Mepits, 51. Controlling Home Appliances using Head Movement and Voice Enabled, 52. GitHub - amitbhorania/Home-Automation-Using-Hand-Gesture:, 53. Accelerometer Based Direction Controlled Wheelchair Using Gesture, 54. Wireless Gesture-Controlled Robot - Electronics For You, 55. GESTURE CONTROLLED ROBOTRohan - Academic Science, 56. Control Home Appliances Using Mems Accelerometer, 57. wi-fi based projects – SVSEmbedded, 58. Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Arduino, 59. Design and construction of MEMS Accelerometer sensor, 60. Micro Electro Mechanical Sensor (Mems) Accelerometer/Gyroscope Based Self-Balancing, 61. Android Based Home Automation Using Arm 11 Raspberry Pi. 62. 100+ Sensor Based Projects List Electronics | NevonProjects, 63. PC Based Home Automation Using PIC, 64. communication aid with home automation for deaf dumb, 65. Wireless Black Box Using MEMS Accelerometer and GPS Tracking, 66. Multi Control Chandelier Operations Using XBee for Home Automation, 67. PC Controlled Home Automation using RF, 68. Accelerometer based Gesture Controlled Robot, 69. CC3000 Home Automation Application for MSP430FR5739 – Texas, 70. accelerometer gyroscope in Home

Automation | eBay, 71. Context-Aware Home Automation Using Gestures on a Wearable


College Bus Information to student through GSM,GPS & IR Sensor’s


College Bus Information to student through GSM,GPS & IR Sensor’s | accident detection using gps and gsm arduino project report | bus information system project | vehicle theft detection using gsm and gps project report pdf | gps and gsm based school bus tracking system | advantages of vehicle tracking system using gps and gsm | java source code for bus tracking system | objectives of school bus tracking system | vivekananda college bus tracking app ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 2. GSM-Based Tracking on A Real Time Bus Location using the GPS and GSM. 3. design and implementation of college bus monitoring using the GPS and GSM. 4. Intelligent Bus stand Monitoring and Control Using Combination of GSM, GPS & IR. Sensors. 5. an innovative college bus information system to students using gsm. 6. 70+ GSM Based Projects for Engineering Students - Electronics Hub. 7. Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM and GPS. 8. BUS MAINTENANCE AND PASSENGER MONITORING SYSTEM. 9. bus management system project abstract. 10. intelligent bus monitoring and management system. 11. bus tracking system ppt. 12. bus tracking system project report. 13. A Survey on Real Time Bus Monitoring System – IRJET. 14. GSM and GPS Embedded Live Projects for Engineering Students. 15. B.Tech Major Project List - EmbeddedRF Technologies. 16. College bus information to students using GSM and RFID technology. 17. GSM and GPS based navigation and accident detection system. 18. Portable roadside sensors for vehicle counting & Speed monitoring. 19. Implementation of a safety System using IR and ultrasonic devices. 20. BUS MONTIORING AND CONTROLLING SYSTEM USING GSM. 21. Real Time Urban Bus Navigation and Accident Detection. 22. STUDENT INFORMATION USING RFID AND GSM; STUDENT COLLEGE ALERTS. 23. A Bi-Directional Guard System Design Of Car Based On Gps & Gsm. 24. Wireless-Sensor-Network-Based-Home-Monitoring-System-For-Wellness-Determination-Of-Elderly. 25. An-Innovative-College-Bus-Information-System-To-Students-Using-Gsm . 26. Incomparable -And-Intelligent-Traffic-Control-System-Using-Ir-And-Gsm. 27. Bus Tracking System and Li-Fi System. 28. RFID-GSM imparted School children Security System. 29. STUDENT COLLEGE ALERT SYSTEM TO PARENTS BY THEIR. 30. IOT based irrigation system with soil wet data threshold settings for different seasons.. 31. Automatic energy meters monitoring in buildings and apartments using IOT. 32. Temperature measuring and reporting system with graph using IOT. 33. IOT based Remote machines status monitoring and controlling in industries. 34. IOT based online Weather Report streaming with graphs. 35. IOT Asset tracking System. 36. IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System. 37. Biometric Attendance System Over IOT. 38. IOT Gas Pipe Leakage Detector Insect Robot. 39. IOT Irrigation Monitoring & Controller System. 40. IOT Electronic Door Opener. 41. IOT Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi. 42. IOT Alcohol & Health Monitoring System. 43. IOT Liquid Level Monitoring System. 44. IOT Garbage Monitoring System. 45. IOT Based Home Automation. 46. IOT Based Office Automation. 47. IOT Based Industry Automation. 48. IOT Weather Reporting System. 49. IOT Based Antenna Positioning System. 50. IOT Based Fire Department Alerting System. 51. IOT Solar Power Monitoring System. 52. IOT Streetlight Controller System. 53. IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controller System. 54. IOT Industry Automation Using Raspberry Pi. 55. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project. 56. IOT Air & Sound Pollution Monitoring System. 57. Energy Meter Monitoring Over IOT. 58. IOT Based Person/Wheelchair Fall Detection. 59. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project. 60. IOT Heart Attack Detection & Heart Rate Monitor. 61. IOT Based Toll Booth Manager System. 62. IOT Theft Detection Using Raspberry Pi. 63. Iot Based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System. 64. IOT Based Agriculture Crop - Field Monitoring System and Irrigation Automation. 65. An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi. 66. Underground Cable Fault Detection Over Internet Of Things (Iot) Google Map. 67. IOT Air & Water Quality Monitoring System. 68. IOT Based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System . 69. RaspberryPi Based Patient Health Status Observing Based On IOT and Email Alert. 70. IoT Based Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System on google map webpage. 71. Metro Train Tracking System Using GSM, GPS, ARM7 With Webpage on Google Maps

wireless two way restaurant ordering system via touch screen

Wireless two way restaurant ordering system via touch screen | touch screen menu ordering system | automated restaurant ordering system | digital menu ordering system | restaurant management system using arduino | e restaurant project | digital menu card project | hotel menu project | write a program to place an order from the restaurant menu ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** • food ordering system, • wireless touch screen, • Wireless Two-way Restaurant, • Ordering System via Touch Screen, • food ordering system, • wireless touch screen, • Touchscreen Ordering System, • Conventional way of ordering food, • menu ordering system, • Digital food ordering system, • touch screen ordering system restaurant, • restaurant menu ordering system ppt, • restaurant menu ordering, • restaurant self ordering system, • restaurant menu ordering arduino, • food ordering system using arduino, • restaurant menu ordering system pdf, 2. Touch screen and Zigbee based Restaurant ordering system, 3. wireless two-way restaurant e-menu food ordering system, 4. Touchscreen based Wireless Ordering System for Restaurants, 5. Touch Panel Based Restaurant Automation System using Zigbee, 6. Wireless Menu Ordering System for Restaurant, 7. touch screen based advanced menu display and ordering system for restaurants pdf, 8. wireless hotel ordering system project pdf, 9. restaurant ordering system project documentation, 10. hotel menu ordering system, 11. wireless hotel ordering system efy, 12. zigbee based restaurant ordering system, 13. touch screen based ordering system for restaurants project, 14. food ordering system project pdf, 15. Zigbee enabled hotel menu ordering system, 16. Touch Screen Based Advanced Menu Display and Ordering System, 17. Design of the Restaurant Self-Ordering System Based on Zigbee, 18. Microcontroller Projects: Restaurant Menu Ordering System, 19. Touch Panel Based Modern Restaurants Automation using Zigbee, 20. Two way + Touch + Zigbee + Restaurant + Menu + Ordering System, 21. TOUCH SCREEN BASED ADVANCED MENU DISPLAY AND ORDERING System, 22. Wireless Touch Screen Based Hotel Ordering System by ARTech, 23. Wireless Railway Food Ordering System, 24. Advanced Menu Ordering System in Restaurants, 25. Zigbee-Based Smart Ordering System, 26. E-RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING ZIGBEE, 27. Food Ordering System For Restaurants Using Android, 28. Implementing Customizable Online Food Ordering System Using Web, 29. design and implementation of online food ordering system, 30. Online Food Order System for Restaurants, 31. A customizable wireless food ordering system, 32. Digital Table Booking and Food Ordering System, 33. Online meal system using web portal (E-meal), 34. How does online food ordering system work?, 35. Self-Served Food Ordering System, 36. online food ordering system documentation, 37. online food ordering system project report ppt, 38. design and implementation of online food ordering system pdf, 39. software requirement specification for online food ordering system, 40. online food ordering system proposal, 41. online food ordering pdf, 42. food ordering database design, 43. digital ordering system for restaurant using android ppt, 44. ANDROID BASED ORDERING SYSTEM FOR RESTAURANT, 45. Digital Smart System for Restaurants Using Wireless Technology, 46. Use of Global Portal for Giving Preferences While Online Food Ordering, 47. Restaurant online ordering system | Web Design & Marketing | SEO, 48. Mobile Food Ordering System for Restaurant: A Boon for Your Food, 49. android application for restaurant ordering system source code, 50. restaurant ordering system project documentation, 51. digital ordering system for restaurant using android ppt, 52. automated food ordering system with real-time customer feedback, 53. digital ordering system for restaurants, 54. touchscreen based ordering system for restaurants, 55. touchscreen based advanced menu display and ordering system for restaurants ppt, 56. the application of wireless food ordering system, 57. IOT Based Home Automation, 58. IOT Based Office Automation, 59. IOT Based Industry Automation, 60. IOT Weather Reporting System, 61. IOT Based Antenna Positioning System, 62. IOT Based Fire Department Alerting System, 63. IOT Solar Power Monitoring System, 64. IOT Streetlight Controller System, 65. IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controller System, 66. IOT Industry Automation Using Raspberry Pi, 67. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project


Baby Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks Camera & GSM SMS Alert

Baby Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks Camera & GSM SMS Alert | baby monitoring system using arduino | baby monitoring system project ppt | smart baby monitoring system using mobile app | baby monitoring system using iot | baby monitoring system using raspberry pi | iot based baby monitoring system using arduino | an intelligent system for infant cry detection and information in real-time using iot | baby monitoring system project report ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 2. baby monitoring system using wireless sensor networks, 3. baby monitoring system using wireless Camera and gsm sms alert, 4. wireless baby monitor circuit diagram, 5. Baby Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks Camera & GSM SMS Alert, 6. Make your own GPS SMS Security Tracking System, 7. wireless two way restaurant ordering system via touch screen, 8. Baby Monitor to Prevent SIDS, 9. IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi, 10. IoT based Data Logger System for weather monitoring using WSN, 11. Arduino And GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System, 12. Intelligent Baby Monitoring System - IRD India, 13. Wearable Sensor Systems for Infants - MDPI, 14. An Innovative Approach for Infant Monitoring System using Pulse Rate , 15. A Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor, 16. Smart Maternal Healthcare Monitoring System using Wireless Sensors, 17. A Domestic Adaptable Infant Monitoring System Using Wireless, 18. wireless baby monitor circuit diagram, 19. baby incubator project report, 20. baby monitoring system project, 21. infant monitoring system project, 22. baby incubator mini project, 23. Design of a Child Localization System on RFID and Wireless Sensor, 24. Integrated Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Pregnant Women, 25. A review of wearable sensors and systems with application in, 26. Acoustic Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Networks, 27. Camera sensor baby, 28. Child Monitoring Gadgets To Bring Your Babies Happiness, 29. critical event monitoring in wireless sensor networks using Wireless Sensor Network for Vehicular, 30. Wireless Sensor Networks for Personal Health Monitoring: Issues and, 31. Patient Health Management System using e-Health Monitoring, 32. Portable wireless biomedical temperature monitoring system, 33. Monitoring Heritage Buildings with Wireless Sensor Networks: The, 34. Electromagnetic of Body Area Networks: Antennas, Propagation, and, 35. Wireless Sensor Tree Network monitoring system through Web Server, 36. Real Time Incubator Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 37. Wireless Sensor Networks for Home Health Care - CiteSeerX, 38. A Test-bed on Real-time Monitoring of Agricultural Parameters using, 39. Web of Things-Based Remote Monitoring System for Coal Mine Safety, 40. IMPLEMENTATION OF FOREST MONITORING SYSTEM | Mepits, 41. A ZigBee Network based Heart Rate Monitoring System for Pre-mature, 42. intelligent home monitoring using rssi in wireless sensor networks, 43. zigbee based wearable remote healthcare monitoring system for, 44. Application of Wireless Sensor Networks in Health Care System, 45. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Control for Indoor Temperature, 46. Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive, 47. Remote Wireless Automation and Monitoring of Large Farm using, 48. Design and Performance Analysis of Building Monitoring System with, 49. Monitoring Of Green House Gases Using Wireless Sensor Networks, 50. Wireless Biomedical Sensor Networks: The Technology, 51. Baby Health Monitoring System using Wireless and Remote - IJRTER, 52. Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness and Environmental Applications, 53. A Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network - Semantic Scholar, 54. Introduction to Neonatal Health Monitoring System - Shodhganga, 55. An Interoperable and Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network, 56. IOT BASED INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING ARM7 LPC2148, 57. LED advertising board based on IOT, 58. Smart electricity meter using IOT, 59. Smart Street lights using IOT, 60. Weather Report streaming with graphs using IOT, 61. Industry parameters monitoring and controlling system based on embedded web server, 62. IOT based Green house monitoring and controlling system, 63. IOT Based Home Automation-Smart way to controlling your home from anywhere, 64. Implementation of Vehicle tracking and monitoring system using IOT, 65. Automatic and instantaneous power station power quality monitoring system using IOT


Industrial Automation and Control System Using CAN BUS

Industrial Automation and Control System Using CAN BUS | automotive projects using can protocol | why can protocol is used in automotive | can protocol basics | automotive protocols | can based automotive projects ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 2. remote monitoring and controlling of industrial controlling using can, 3. Industrial Automation and Control System Security Principles, 4. An ARM7 LPC2148 Based Temperature Measurement System Using CAN Protocol, 5. CAN Protocol implementation in digital driving vehicles, 6. CAN BASED INDUSTRIAL MONITORING SYSTEM KEYPAD, 7. Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol, 8. CAN protocol based vehicle security system with Finger print, 9. CAN Communication for Vehicles, 10. How to create an industrial building automation system with Industrial, 11. Automatic Metro train Shuttle Between two Stations Without a Driver, 12. ARM LPC2148 based CAN protocol implementation in automobiles, 13. TISHITU Control Area Network (CAN) Basic UART, RS-232 and LCD, 14. Arduino Based Alcohol Sensing Alert System Using GPS and GSM, 15. CAN wireless: wifi and Bluetooth for the CAN bus - ifm, 16. IOT Based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System, 17. Android projects | Arduino | Android | Bluetooth | Home Automation, 18. Industrial Automation and Control System Using Can - IJMETMR, 19. Industrial Automation and Process Control System Using Can Bus, 20. Industrial Automation and Control using CAN Protocol - ElProCus, 21. Implementation of CAN Protocol for Industrial Automation - ijsetr, 22. MCS-51 Microcontroller Based Industrial Automation and Control, 23. Industrial Parameter Monitoring System Using CAN Bus, 24. Implementation of CAN Protocol for Industrial Automation | Imran, 25. USER DRIVEN FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEM DRIVEN USING CAN, 26. Monitoring and Control System for Industrial Parameters Using Can Bus, 27. can protocol based embedded projects list, 28. can protocol based embedded projects pdf, 29. can based real time implementation in automobile application, 30. can protocol based ieee projects, 31. vehicle safety application using can, 32. can protocol based projects pdf, 33. can protocol based data acquisition system, 34. can protocol implementation using 8051, 35. Industrial Automation - TIA?, 36. Milk Dairy Automation Using CAN Protocol: A Paradigm for Industry, 37. Vehicle Control Using CAN Protocol For Implementing the Intelligent, 38. Implementation of Sensor Network using Efficient CAN Interface, 39. design of modern industrial automation - SSRG Journals, 40. CAN in Automation (CiA): History of the CAN technology, 41. Implementation of Can and Zigbee Networks Based Industrial, 42. design of modern industry automation using pic and can protocol, 43. Implementation Of Can And Zigbee Networks Based Industrial, 44. Vehicle Applications of Controller Area Network, 45. International Conference on Computer Applications 2012 :: Volume 03, 46. CAN bus - B&R Automation, 47. Dairy Automation Using Controlled Area Network Protocol, 48. Final Year IEEE Embedded System and Industrial Automation Projects, 49. Automobile Body Electrical Control System Based on CAN-LIN Bus, 50. “Industrial Automation” Experiment No. 1 Introduction to CAN, 51. Using Bluetooth for Data Communications in Industrial Automation, 52. A Review on Industrial Automation Using IOT, 53. International Conference on Mechanism Science and Control, 54. Review on CAN based Intercommunication between, 55. How to choose a CANbus industrial controller | Control Engineering, 56. Greenhouse Automation Using CAN Bus, 57. Milk Dairy Automation Using „CAN Protocol, 58. Arduino based vehicle control system using CAN Protocol, 59. Introduction to the Controller Area Network (CAN - Texas Instruments, 60. Industrial Networks for Communication and Control, 61. Controller Area Network in Modern Home Automation, 62. A Framework Of Milk Dairy Automation Using CAN Protocol, 63. Industrial Automation Automation Industrielle Real-time Control, 64. Basics of CAN bus technology (Controller Area Network, 65. Bus Monitoring System Based On ZigBee And GPRS, 66. IOT BASED INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING ARM7 LPC2148, 67. LED advertising board based on IOT, 68. Smart electricity meter using IOT, 69. Smart Street lights using IOT, 70. Weather Report streaming with graphs using IOT, 71. Industry parameters monitoring and controlling system based on embedded web server


Underground Cable Fault Detection Based On Arduino, GSM and GPS

Underground Cable Fault Detection Based On Arduino, GSM and GPS | project report on underground cable fault detection pdf | underground cable fault detection using arduino | underground cable fault detection using arduino ppt | underground cable fault detection using arduino and gsm ppt | underground cable fault detection project | underground cable fault detection using arduino ieee paper | iot based underground cable fault detection using arduino | future scope of underground cable fault detector ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 2. Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator | Projects for EEE | Edgefx, 3. Arduino based Underground Cable Fault Detector - Edgefx, 4. Arduino based Underground Cable Fault Detection - Efxkits, 5. arduino based underground cable fault detection, 6. Arduino based Underground Cable Fault Detection The objective of, 7. Arduino GPS/GSM Tracker, 8. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project | NevonProjects, 9. Underground Cable Fault Distance Conveyed Over GSM - IOSR, 10. underground cable fault detection using arduino board - Ridge Vids, 11. underground cable fault distance locator circuit diagram explanation, 12. underground cable fault distance locator project report, 13. underground cable fault distance locator project circuit diagram, 14. underground cable fault distance locator using arduino, 15. advantages and disadvantages of underground cable fault distance locator, 16. underground cable fault detection pdf, 17. underground cable fault distance locator ppt, 18. underground cable fault detector using microcontroller pdf, 19. Cable Fault Detection?, 20. Cable Fault Location HT / LT - All India Service 365 Days?, 21. Arduino based Underground Cable Fault Detection -, 22. underground cable fault location using aruino,gsm&gps - SlideShare, 23. Underground Cable Fault Detection Over Internet Of Things (Iot), 24. 200+ Arduino Projects List For Final Year Students - Electronics Hub, 25. Design And Development Of A GSM Based Vehicle Theft Control System, 26. Rfid And Gsm ,Under Ground Cable Fault Distance Locator, 27. Display of Underground Cable Fault Distance over Internet, 28. litreture survey for underground cable fault detection, 29. Arduino based Projects on Security System for Engineering Students, 30. underground cable fault distance locator - IJIERT, 31. ECE final year projects for B.Tech & M.Tech students | IEEE 2017, 32. Smart street lights and fault location monitoring in cloud over IoT, 33. Underground cable fault distance identifier over internet of things (IoT) platform, 34. GSM based automatic vehicle accident detection with GPS based location, 35. Projects based on Arduino Controller / ATMega8 / PIC Controller, 36. Project Info - TechSaabri-home, 37. Feasibility of real-time graphical simulation for active, 38. Road collisions avoidance using vehicular cyber-physical systems, 39. A Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor, 40. Final Report -- Automotive Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) - NHT, 41. Vehicular Ad Hoc Network in Mobile Communications with - Inflibnet, 42. Real Time Based Driver's Safeguard System by Analyzing - IJETT, 43. An Traffic Collision Avoidance System due to Driver Impairment using, 44. Collision Detection and Avoidance in Railways Using WiMAX, 45. Survey on Collision Avoidance System in VANET, 46. Quadcopter Obstacle avoidance system using arduino | Flite Test, 47. Simulating Camel-Vehicle Accidents Avoidance System, 48. An Active Information Display System using SMS based on ARM7 processor, 49. LPC2148 and GPS based data logger and real time vehicle tracking using GSM, 50. EMBEDDED SYSTEM FOR ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE; GPS based GEO, 51. Industries and intimation through SMS, 52. RFID And GSM Based Intelligent Mail Box, 53. Designing an integrated driver assistance system using image sensors, 54. Survey on Accident Avoidance and Privacy Preserving Navigation, 55. Developing smart collision avoidance computing system implementing, 56. Intelligent Transportation Systems Report for Mobile – GSMA


Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol & Tracking through IoT

Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol & Tracking through IoT | Accident Avoidance System using CAN | CAN Based Monitoring of Vehicles using IOT Technology | GSM and GPS based vehicle location and tracking, ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 5. vehicle are sent to the web server via Wi-Fi module, 6. avoidance system and control of vehicle, 7. Accident Avoidance and Detection - IJLTEMAS, 8. collision avoidance system using wireless communication, 9. Distance based Accident Avoidance System using Arduino - IRJET, 10. Arm 7 Embedded Controllers for Vehicle Obstacle - IJAREEIE, 11. Distance based Accident Avoidance System using CAN protocol, 12. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and - RJPBCS, 13. collision control and collision avoidance using ultrasonic - troindia, 14. can based accident avoidance system ppt, 15. accident avoidance system project/seminar report/pdf/ppt download, 16. accident avoidance system pdf, 17. can based accident avoidance system using lpc2129, 18. accident avoidance system in vehicles, 19. vehicle collision avoidance system using ultrasonic sensor, 20. vehicle accident prevention system using eye blink sensor, 21. anti collision system in vehicles using ultrasonic sensors, 22. CAN BASED ACCIDENT AVOIDENCE SYSTEM | Electronic, 23. Trains Collision Avoidance System by Using RFID and GSM Technology, 24. Vehicle Accident Prevention System using GSM and GPS - IJCTT, 25. SMART TRANSPORT SYSTEM - IRAJ, 26. A collision—avoidance warning system using Laser Radar, 27. Fully Automated Cruise Control System Using Ultrasonic Sensor, 28. ARM 7 Based Controller Area Network for Accident Avoidance, 29. ARM Hardware Platform for Vehicular Monitoring and Tracking, 30. Vehicle Speed Control and Accident Avoidance System Using Can, 31. Multiple - Sensor - Collision avoidance system for automotive, 32. ARM based vehicle collision avoidance with - Ishitv Technologies, 33. CAN Based Accident Avoidance | Kalman Filter | Arm Architecture, 34. Traffic collision avoidance system - Wikipedia, 35. Car Anti-Collision and Intercommunication System using Communication, 36. IEEE EMBEDDED ECE PROJECT LIST - SlideShare, 37. Vehicle theft control and accident location intimation through SMS, 38. CAN protocol and ZigBee wireless system, 39. Implementaion of ZigBee Based Train Anti - Collision And Level, 40. Collision Avoidance of Trains Using Arm7 - IJERA, 41. Autonomous Crash Avoidance System - MIT, 42. Secure Technique for Collision Avoidance in Vehicle-to-Vehicle, 43. Collision Avoidance of Trains by Creating Mutual Communication, 44. Automotive collision avoidance methodologies Sensor-based and ITS, 45. All Solutions - Devthon - Innovation through co-creation, 46. Integrated Tracking and Accident Avoidance System for - Solarlits, 47. Autonomous Manoeuvring Systems for Collision Avoidance on Single, 48. Embedded Linux based Smart security system using IOT and Raspberry Pi, 49. CAN Based Intelligent Vehicle for Driving System Using Arm 7, 50. Accident Detection and Avoidance System Using Doppler RADAR, 51. Wireless Black Box Using MEMS Accelerometer and GPS Tracking for, 52. Object distance tracking system, 53. Vehicle Applications of Controller Area Network - KTH, 54. Simulation of Zigbee based Tacs for Collision Detection and, 55. Vehicle Control Using Can Protocol For Implementing The Intelligent Braking System (Ibs), 56. Wireless Sensor Based Energy Conservation Via Bluetooth, 57. Parameters of a Patient from a Distance by Near Field Communication Mobile, 58. industrial automation and control system using CAN protocol, 59. Vehicle movement control and accident avoidance in hilly track. 60. Avoiding Collision and Accidents of Vehicles using CAN Protocol, 61. Low cost approach to real-time vehicle to vehicle communication, 62. CAN Communication based accident avoidance system using LPC2148, 63. IOT Based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Tracking System, 64. Vehicle Speed Control and Accident Avoidance System using CAN, 65. Design of Medical Data Monitoringby UsingRaspberry Pi, 66. Automatic Metro train Shuttle Between two Stations Without a Driver, 67. Arduino Based Alcohol Sensing Alert System Using GPS and GSM, 68. Early Detection of Obstacles in the Railway Track and Crack, 69. Research on Vehicle Automatically Tracking Mechanism in VANET, 70. A Survey on Cooperative Accident Avoidance and Warning Systems, 71. Feasibility of real-time graphical simulation for active


Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi3 and LABVIEW - part2

Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Based Patient Monitoring System using Wireless | An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi, ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 4. Raspberry Pi Based Wearable RFID Tag Design for Medical Care - ijitr, 5. A Review on system of IOT Based Human Activity Monitoring By Using Raspberry Pi, 6. Real Time Vehicle Tracking And Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi, 7. IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring System Using Raspberry-PI, 8. E Health Sensor Platform For Arduino and Raspberry Pi Biometric, 9. Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness - UW Moodle Fall 2014, 10. Implementation of Tcp/Ip on Embedded Webserver Using Raspberry, 11. Wearable Internet of Things - from Human Activity Tracking to Clinical, 12. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND SURVEILLANCE USING - IJRIER, 13. A Cloud-Based Internet of Things Platform for Raspberry P - BioMedSearch, 14. EMBEDDED SYSTEM IEEE PROJECTS - Automated Health Alerts, 15. Hot Spot Indemnity Visual Assistance by Raspberry Pi - ijsetr, 16. E health sensor platform for arduino and raspberry pi biometric - Imazi, 17. IOT BASED SMART HEALTHCARE KIT, 18. online healthcare system project documentation, 19. e healthcare ppt, 20. e health project in india, 21. online healthcare system project in java, 22. health care management system project in php, 23. healthcare project documentation, 24. online doctor consultation project, 25. e health project kerala, 26. GSM Patient Health Monitoring Project, 27. Patient health Monitoring through SMS using GSM modem, 28. Patient Monitoring System Using GSM Technology , 29. Microcontroller based Project on Patient Monitoring System - ElProCus, 30. Arduino And GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System, 31. Health Monitoring with GSM | SMS Alerts for Health, 32. Android based Patient health monitoring system, 33. Final Year Projects | Health Care Management System, 34. Patients Health Care System Projects, 35. smart health prediction system, 36. smart health prediction using data mining pdf, 37. smart health prediction using data mining ieee, 38. smart health prediction using data mining ppt, 39. smart health prediction system ppt, 40. smart health prediction using data mining abstract, 41. smart health prediction using data mining ieee paper, 42. disease prediction using data mining seminar report, 43. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project, 44. IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi, 45. Health Monitoring and Management Using Internet-of-Things (IoT), 46. Internet of Things: Remote Patient Monitoring Using Web Services and, 47. PATIENT HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM (PHMS) USING IoT, 48. Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi - IOT, 49. Health Monitoring using Internet of Things - IJSART, 50. IoT Based Remote Patient Health Monitoring System | Gandhian, 51. Patient Health Monitoring System using IOT and Android, 52. Design of Iot Based Smart Health Monitoring and Alert System, 53. iot based health monitoring system project ppt, 54. iot based health monitoring system ppt, 55. secured smart healthcare monitoring system based on iot, 56. iot based patient health monitoring system project, 57. patient health monitoring system project report, 58. internet of things: remote patient monitoring using web services and cloud computing, 59. iot based health monitoring system project using arduino, 60. iot based health monitoring system project report, 61. Virtual Care Taker-Online Patient Monitoring System, 62. IoT based patient health monitoring system, 63. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project, 64. WARABLE HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT, 65. IoT based patient health monitoring system, 66. IOT 30 IOT Based Vehicle Health Monitoring System, 67. Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 68. Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless, 69. IoT and Cloud Server Based Wearable Health Monitoring System, 70. IOT (Internet of Things) based remote monitoring of patient body, 71. GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring Project, 72. WiFi Based Personal Health Monitoring System Using Android, 73. How to setup your own secure IoT cloud server, 74. Internet of Things (IoT) based Healthcare System - IIT Kanpur, 75. Patient Health Check Using Wireless Health Monitor, 76. IOT Based Health Monitoring project by Lokshith, 77. Wearable device to monitor patients health parameters, 78. Arduino And GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System


Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi and LABVIEW

Design of Medical Data Monitoring by Using Raspberry Pi | Raspberry Pi Based Patient Monitoring System using Wireless | An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi, ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 4. Raspberry Pi Based Wearable RFID Tag Design for Medical Care - ijitr, 5. A Review on system of IOT Based Human Activity Monitoring By Using Raspberry Pi, 6. Real Time Vehicle Tracking And Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi, 7. IoT Based Air Quality Monitoring System Using Raspberry-PI, 8. E Health Sensor Platform For Arduino and Raspberry Pi Biometric, 9. Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness - UW Moodle Fall 2014, 10. Implementation of Tcp/Ip on Embedded Webserver Using Raspberry, 11. Wearable Internet of Things - from Human Activity Tracking to Clinical, 12. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND SURVEILLANCE USING - IJRIER, 13. A Cloud-Based Internet of Things Platform for Raspberry P - BioMedSearch, 14. EMBEDDED SYSTEM IEEE PROJECTS - Automated Health Alerts, 15. Hot Spot Indemnity Visual Assistance by Raspberry Pi - ijsetr, 16. E health sensor platform for arduino and raspberry pi biometric - Imazi, 17. IOT BASED SMART HEALTHCARE KIT, 18. online healthcare system project documentation, 19. e healthcare ppt, 20. e health project in india, 21. online healthcare system project in java, 22. health care management system project in php, 23. healthcare project documentation, 24. online doctor consultation project, 25. e health project kerala, 26. GSM Patient Health Monitoring Project, 27. Patient health Monitoring through SMS using GSM modem, 28. Patient Monitoring System Using GSM Technology , 29. Microcontroller based Project on Patient Monitoring System - ElProCus, 30. Arduino And GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System, 31. Health Monitoring with GSM | SMS Alerts for Health, 32. Android based Patient health monitoring system, 33. Final Year Projects | Health Care Management System, 34. Patients Health Care System Projects, 35. smart health prediction system, 36. smart health prediction using data mining pdf, 37. smart health prediction using data mining ieee, 38. smart health prediction using data mining ppt, 39. smart health prediction system ppt, 40. smart health prediction using data mining abstract, 41. smart health prediction using data mining ieee paper, 42. disease prediction using data mining seminar report, 43. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project, 44. IOT Projects : Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi, 45. Health Monitoring and Management Using Internet-of-Things (IoT), 46. Internet of Things: Remote Patient Monitoring Using Web Services and, 47. PATIENT HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM (PHMS) USING IoT, 48. Patient Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi - IOT, 49. Health Monitoring using Internet of Things - IJSART, 50. IoT Based Remote Patient Health Monitoring System | Gandhian, 51. Patient Health Monitoring System using IOT and Android, 52. Design of Iot Based Smart Health Monitoring and Alert System, 53. iot based health monitoring system project ppt, 54. iot based health monitoring system ppt, 55. secured smart healthcare monitoring system based on iot, 56. iot based patient health monitoring system project, 57. patient health monitoring system project report, 58. internet of things: remote patient monitoring using web services and cloud computing, 59. iot based health monitoring system project using arduino, 60. iot based health monitoring system project report, 61. Virtual Care Taker-Online Patient Monitoring System, 62. IoT based patient health monitoring system, 63. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project, 64. WARABLE HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT, 65. IoT based patient health monitoring system, 66. IOT 30 IOT Based Vehicle Health Monitoring System, 67. Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network, 68. Real Time Patient Health Monitoring and Alarming Using Wireless, 69. IoT and Cloud Server Based Wearable Health Monitoring System, 70. IOT (Internet of Things) based remote monitoring of patient body, 71. GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring Project, 72. WiFi Based Personal Health Monitoring System Using Android, 73. How to setup your own secure IoT cloud server, 74. Internet of Things (IoT) based Healthcare System - IIT Kanpur, 75. Patient Health Check Using Wireless Health Monitor, 76. IOT Based Health Monitoring project by Lokshith, 77. Wearable device to monitor patients health parameters, 78. Arduino And GSM Based Patient Health Monitoring System


Implementation of Industrial Data Acquisition, management and Guiding using IoT

Implementation of Industrial Data Acquisition, management and Guiding using IoT | End-To-End Hands on IOT Training Introduction by hIOTron | Internet Of Things (IOT) with a Raspberry Pi, ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 4. Industrial Energy Management System, IoT, 5. Guide to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - Homeland Security, 6. AWS IoT with Arduino Implementation, 7. IOT Based Home Automation,Data Acquisition system Using GPRS, SMS & E-Mail Alert, 8. Traffic congestion control - IoT Application, 9. Industrial IoT : Web Based Remotely Monitoring Temperature | GAS | FIRE | LDR | PIR - SENSORS, 10. Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT MQTT Node-RED Raspberry Pi & PLC, 11. Smart Bin-Garbage and Waste Collection Management solution for Smart Cities with sensors, 12. Virtusa IoT Cloud Bank Implementation, 13. REAL-TIME GPS - GPRS Based Vehicle Tracking & Navigation System Displayed on Google Map - IOT, 14. Industrial Data Acquisition System (IDAS), 15. IOT BASED INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING ARM7 LPC2148, 16. (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) for Remote Industrial Plant, 17. Wireless Data Acquisition in LabVIEW - hit.No, 18. Java and the Internet of Things: Automating the Industrial Oracle, 19. Industrial Internet of Things: Insights from the Measurement, 20. Closed and Fragmented IoT Systems Prevent a Paradigm Shift in Data, 21. Transforming Manufacturing with the Internet of Things - Cognizant, 22. Industrial Data Acquisition Platforms - Ignite | IoT, 23. Industrial data acquisition and control (IDAC) systems are powerful, 24. IOT Based Home Automation,Data Acquisition system Using GPRS, 25. Internet Of Things Implementation UK 01977 529646 Hamatics, 26. (IoT): New Identity Access Management System Implementation, 27. Industrial Energy Management System, IoT, 28. What is the Internet of Things? | IoT Technology | SAP -, 29. Enterprise IoT: Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products, 30. Guide to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - Homeland Security, 31. IoT based Interactive Industrial Home wireless system - IEEE Xplore, 32. ARM Cortex Based Industrial Data Acquisition System with Smart, 33. Industrial Data Acquisition, Management and Controlling using IoT, 34. IoT based Interactive Industrial Home wireless system - ResearchGate, 35. Wireless Web Server for Industrial Data Acquisition and Control Using, 36. Design of Real-Time Data Acquisition & Control Using High, 37. Integrated IoT Solutions - From Data Acquisition to Device Control, 38. Implementation of Industrial Data Acquisition, management and, 39. Data Acquisition Tutorial :: Radio-Electronics.Com, 40. Valarm Remote Monitoring & Industrial IoT Applications – Mobile, 41. Top 10 Vendors in the Industrial Data Acquisition Systems Market, 42. Accelerate IIoT-Ready Applications with Smart Industrial Computing, 43. Driving the Industrial Internet of Things - National Instruments, 44. How Data Acquisition Systems Differ Across Wireless Technologies, 45. Industrial Data Acquisition Platforms - Ignite | IoT, 46. Improve Data-Logging Techniques with the Latest IoT Products, 47. M2M | IoT | Maven Systems, India, 48. Data Acquisition, Analysis and the Internet of Things | Automation World, 49. Enterprise IoT: Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products, 50. Advantech Devices Now Support the MQTT Protocol for IoT Data, 51. What is SCADA? Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, 52. Industrial data & the Internet of Things: scalable platform gives instant, 53. Omniflex IoT enabled control and data acquisition - Technews Industry, 54. Energy-Efficient Mobile Data Acquisition using Opportunistic Internet, 55. The IOT of Coal Mine Production of Remote Data Acquisition System, 56. Internet of Things Technologies to Rationalize the Data Acquisition, 57. Reliable Data Acquisition using Industrial SD and microSD Flash, 58. Real-Time Data Acquisition, Monitoring, and Control, 59. Designing the Industrial Internet of Things |, 60. Mobile Apps for Internet of Things Data Acquisition - SpaceTime Insight, 61. Design and Implementation of an Advanced Home - IJMETMR, 62. Home Automation Based on Android Application - JNCET, 63. intelligent home automation - IJRET, 64. Robust Model to Access Consumer Appliances Using Android - IJRAT, 65. Bluetooth based home automation system using android phone, 66. Wireless Control System for Automating Home Appliances and, 67. GSM based Control System by pic microcontroller – NBCAFE


Rasbperry Pi Based Vehicle Theft Detection Using GPS and GSM

vehicle theft detection using gsm and gps project report | vehicle theft detection using gps/gsm and raspberry pi | raspberry pi vehicle anti-theft face recognition system | iot based theft detection using raspberry pi ppt | vehicle theft detection using gps gsm and arduino | vehicle theft detection using iot | iot based anti-theft flooring system using raspberry pi | gps vehicle tracking and theft detection. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirementsè​ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. Implementation of Novel Vehicle Theft Detection Using GPS, GSM and RasbperryPi 2. RASPBERRY PI BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND SECURITY, 3. Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System – IJIRCCE, 4. ECE final year projects for B.Tech & M.Tech students | IEEE 2017, 5. ieee projects 2014 embedded - IEEE projects in pondicherry,IEEE, 6. GSM Wireless Technology Implementation in Haze Monitoring, 7. GSM based automatic vehicle accident detection with GPS based location identification and messaging, 8. A Novel Head Gesture Recognition Based Control For Intelligent Wheelchairs, 9. Vehicle Intrusion And Theft Control System Using GSM And GPS, 10. Wireless Bluetooth Controlled Lpg Leakage Detecting Robot Underground And Mining Using Arm11 Raspberry Pi, 11. IOT Projects for B.Tech and M.Tech Engineering Students - Takeoff, 12. An Internet of things approach for motion detection using Raspberry Pi, 13. Anti-theft application for android based devices, 14. Design and implementation of vehicle tracking system using GPS/GSM/GPRS technology, 15. CaregiverNet: A novel social support intervention for locating and securing wandering, 16. Accident Detection and Ambulance Control using Intelligent - IJETT, 17. automobile theft, GSM and GPS model, intellegent Vehicle, 18. BE,ME IEEE 2017-18, Electricalelectronicscommunication,TCE,Bio, 19. android mobiles with GPS and GSM facilities, Bluetooth devices, Raspberry pi, 20. a novel method of vehicle tracking and locking systems used to track the theft, 21. LOW COST GSM / GPS / GPRS / IoT BASED PROJECTS - LinkedIn, 22. Real Time Vehicle Theft Identity and Control System Based on ARM9, 23. Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Theft Control Unit using GSM and CAN Technology, 24. RFID INTERFACING WITH ARM11 RASPBERRY PI EMBEDDED LINUX, 25. GSM and GPS based Vehicle Accident Detection System using RaspberryPi, 26. An IoT Based Patient Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi, 27. Design and implementation of anti-theft ATM machine using embedded systems, 28. The GPS current location of the vehicle; GPRS sends the tracking, 29. Embedded Systems Abstracts | Final Year IEEE Projects – svsembedded, 30. Embedded microcontroller using GPS as a security resource for disabled people, 31. Control, Ambulance Clearance, and Stolen Vehicle Detection, 32. Design and Implementation of Security Based ATM theft monitoring system, 33. Embedded image capturing system using raspberry pi system, 34. Survey paper on Vehicle Theft Detection through Face Recognition System, 35. Review on Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System, 36. Real Time Vehicle Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technology-An Anti-Theft, 37. Mine Detection Robot Using ARM Microcontroller and GPS Technology, 38. Design And Implementation Of Automated Blood Bank Using Embedded Systems, 39. Photosensitive Security System for Theft Detection and Control using GSM technology, 40. ARM-11 Raspberry Pi/ Banana Pi Processor Based Smart Car Security for Theft, 41. List of Best GSM Projects Ideas for Electronics Students - ElProCus, 42. project titles for academic year 2017 - Make Final Year Project, 43. Raspberry Pi Based Deadly School Van Monitoring System with E-mail Alert, 44. Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM and GPS, 45. Embedded Linux based Smart security system using IOT and Raspberry Pi processor, 46. A Novel Light-Sensor-Based Information Transmission System for Indoor, 47. GPS and GSM based Pocket Defibrillator with cardiac signal monitoring on PC, 48. For Congestion Control, Ambulance Clearance, and Stolen Vehicle Detection, 49. IoT BASED VEHICLE TRACKING AND TRAFFIC SURVIELLENCE, 50. A novel GSM BASED CAR THEFT PREVENTION SYSTEM USING FACE RECOGNITION, 51. Describes an automobile anti-theft system using GSM and GPS module, 52. Design and Implementation of Autonomous Car using Raspberry Pi, 53. Real Time Vehicle Tracking System Using Gsm And Gps Technology- An Anti-Theft Tracking System, 54. Real Time Vehicle Tracking System Based On ARM7, 55. Land mine indicator & detector using GSM & GPS for Army. • Microcontroller